There’s an old saying about how money can’t buy you happiness, and it’s true. Money can do a lot of of things, but helping you down the path of enlightenment isn’t one of them. If you’re really stuck in a rut, consider a session or two with a good, qualified counselor.
Why? There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to seeking effective therapy. Your path to enlightenment may be a bit bumpier than the one those around you are following and it often helps to have an objective third-party to hear you and offer insight or wisdom in return.
A study done by psychologist Chris Boyce took a very close look at the value of counseling as compared to receiving money. As it turns out, simply receiving money doesn’t do as much for our levels of happiness as we may have once hoped. Using that money to pay for something with value, like a counseling session, does. According to his research, “It would take a $40,000 raise to equal the benefit from $1,300 worth of therapy.” That’s a huge difference in investment, with a much more powerful end result thanks to therapy.
Tangible items you can buy with money come and go, but your experiences were proven long ago to have a far greater benefit on your overall wellbeing. Spend a little more time focused on your relationships and find a trusted partner to talk to when life gets tough. You’ll be happier, and somehow still richer, in the end.