Everyday Vibes

Our Everyday Vibes are short, easy-to-read tips that you can quickly peruse and understand, even on a hectic day. Keep your eyes peeled for an array of new tips to stay in the loop and keep your vibration high.

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Manifest Your Destiny

Manifest Your Destiny

When none of your dreams seem to be coming true, you may be looking around you for the reason. The fact is, you may...
Open Yourself to New Relationships

Open Yourself to New Relationships

Life isn’t always gentle and past relationships can influence how open you are to new ones. But, every person you meet has a reason...
How to Avoid Toxic Relationships

How to Avoid Toxic Relationships

Toxic people… they can be so charming and smooth that it can take a long while before you realize that they do you more...
3 Times for Me-Time Throughout the Week

3 Times for Me-Time Throughout the Week

Me-time allows you to take a moment for yourself and destress from the hectic days you’re experiencing. There are at least three times throughout...
2 Realistic Goals Every Person Should Set for Themselves

2 Realistic Goals Every Person Should Set for Themselves

Every person needs goals in life to help them stay on track. You want to be motivated to live well and keep on dreaming...
Using Upbeat Music to Improve Your Mood

Using Upbeat Music to Improve Your Mood

So you’re down on your luck or missing a friend and your mood is rather sour. Turn on an upbeat music playlist and watch...
Shaking Up Your Daily Routine

Shaking Up Your Daily Routine

Face it - your daily routine is probably pretty monotonous. You get up, eat, go to work, enjoy the same hobbies and activities, come...
3 Tips for Quickly Decluttering Your Life

3 Tips for Quickly Decluttering Your Life

Tired of coming home everyday to an unorganized mess? While you might like to call your piles of papers and overflowing drawers some form...
Creating a Positive Social Media Atmosphere

Creating a Positive Social Media Atmosphere

Social media platforms are incredibly helpful when it comes to engaging with friends and family or for networking with professional peers. Many of these...
Why You Should Power Nap Regularly

Why You Should Power Nap Regularly

Most of us wish we could take a quick nap sometime during the day but never do. Research is starting to show that naps,...

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