Everyday Vibes

Our Everyday Vibes are short, easy-to-read tips that you can quickly peruse and understand, even on a hectic day. Keep your eyes peeled for an array of new tips to stay in the loop and keep your vibration high.

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Best Ways to Use Your Journal to Reduce Stress

Best Ways to Use Your Journal to Reduce Stress

Most people realize that jotting down their thoughts helps them get out some of the emotions they’ve been feeling. You might take out a...
3 Songs That Put You in a Happy Mood

3 Songs That Put You in a Happy Mood

You might not always be in the best mood, but music undoubtedly lifts your spirits and makes your moods better. There are three songs...
Achievable Goals Help You Reach Your Destination

Achievable Goals Help You Reach Your Destination

Most people have dreams and aspirations they want to reach someday. Some are more determined to reach them than others, setting out a plan...
Why You Should Take Me Time Every Day

Why You Should Take Me Time Every Day

Our days become so filled with constant movement and chaos that we often find it difficult to take a second to get away. Weeks...
Learning to Say No (and Mean It)

Learning to Say No (and Mean It)

No. It’s one of the most powerful words in the English language, yet so many of us (now that we’re adults) are afraid to...
Scheduling Rest Time

Scheduling Rest Time

First, make sure you’re scheduling some daily rest time. You do not need to run non-stop from the time your feet hit the floor...
3 Tips for a Legitimately Productive Day

3 Tips for a Legitimately Productive Day

We all want to be productive, but many of us mistake multitasking for productivity and end up slowing ourselves down more than anything else....
Embrace Your Need for Sleep

Embrace Your Need for Sleep

Most of us view sleep as a time for relaxation - of total shutdown. Truth be told, your body is doing a lot of...
15 Simple Pay It Forward Suggestions

15 Simple Pay It Forward Suggestions

Paying it forward by doing a good deed for someone else, as opposed to a return favor for someone who did something kind for...
3 Activities to Put You in a Better Mind-frame

3 Activities to Put You in a Better Mindframe

When you’re feeling glum, you’re more likely to lay around and mope or sit in the dark doing nothing but watching TV. This often...

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