Enlightened Vibes

Our Enlightened Vibes are long-form articles designed to lift your spirits, speak to your wellbeing, and help you learn to raise your vibration in your everyday life. From mindset to wellness to fitness, we’ll bring you actionable and helpful tips to assist you in crafting your best life.

In addition to expanded information that aligns with your horoscope, we’ll send you articles that dive deeper into the topics we normally feature. These vibes will give you the chance to take a journey into the wellness topics that interest you. We’re looking forward to sharing more with you soon!

Unplug to Lighten Your Load

Unplug to Lighten Your Load

Being constantly connected to technology, social media, and other people seems effective. In reality, it can quickly become all-consuming, draining, and unhealthy. Regularly taking...
Never Lend Money to Friends

Never Lend Money to Friends

Lending money to friends or family members is generally considered a recipe for disaster. If (or when) things go wrong, what was once a...
Self-Care Tips for Parents

Self-Care Tips for Parents

Babies, toddlers, young children, and even teens will keep you on your toes day in and day out. The responsibility of taking care of...
Volunteer Your Way to a More Fulfilling Life

Volunteer Your Way to a More Fulfilling Life

Happiness isn’t and shouldn’t always be the end-goal or result of everything you do in your life. It should also be a motivating factor,...
7 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

7 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Having an attitude of gratitude for the things in your life is one of the best ways to have a positive outlook, improve your...
3 Signs of a Toxic Relationship

3 Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Have you been feeling uncomfortable in a relationship? You’re not alone; it’s pretty common. It’s important to know that a toxic relationship isn’t defined...
3 Ways to Make a Habit Out of Positive Thinking

3 Ways to Make a Habit Out of Positive Thinking

It isn’t the things that happen to us that determine our happiness - it’s the way we look at our world and manage the...
The Power of a Daily Mantra

The Power of a Daily Mantra

When you get stressed out, what do you tell yourself? Do you beat your head against the wall --- internalize until the tears overflow...
Choosing a Meditation Style that Fits Your Lifestyle

Choosing a Meditation Style that Fits Your Lifestyle

No two forms of meditation are alike and there really isn’t a right or a wrong way to use this powerful relaxation method. The...
Money Can’t Buy Happiness, but It Can Buy Good Counseling

Money Can’t Buy Happiness, but It Can Buy Good Counseling

There’s an old saying about how money can’t buy you happiness, and it’s true. Money can do a lot of of things, but helping...

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