Virgo Horoscope

Sep 8, 2024… You will likely have no shortage of ideas bouncing around in your head today, Virgo. The vibe will be fantastic for manifesting the best ideas into reality, so focus on the things you truly want in your life. Who would you like to have along for the ride? Keep your mind on the positive, most amazing stuff — and wave goodbye to what isn’t working for you. You’ll create an energy in your day that can’t be beat.

Today’s Soul Advice: During the darkest nights of your life, when the world seems cold and terrifying, know that there is genuine goodness and purity throughout nature. Like, sea otters hold paws when they sleep so that they don’t float away from each other! Also, cows have best buddies. Oh, and rats are ticklish and actually laugh when they are tickled. Plus, seahorses hold tails with their mates when they travel. Hold onto that sort of pure positivity for your grey days when you need to boost the natural sunshine into your soul.


Manifest Your Destiny

Manifest Your Destiny

When none of your dreams seem to be coming true, you may be looking...