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Enlightened Vibes

Our Enlightened Vibes are long-form articles designed to lift your spirits, speak to your wellbeing, and help you learn to raise your vibration in your everyday life. From mindset to wellness to fitness, we’ll bring you actionable and helpful tips to assist you in crafting your best life.

Replacing Negative Thoughts with Positive

Life isn’t always all sunshine and roses and from time to time you’re going to experience negative feelings and emotions. Every thought and feeling...

Achievable Goals Help You Reach Your Destination

Most people have dreams and aspirations they want to reach someday. Some are more determined to reach them than others, setting out a plan...

3 Songs That Put You in a Happy Mood

You might not always be in the best mood, but music undoubtedly lifts your spirits and makes your moods better. There are three songs...


The second sign of the celestial zodiac is Taurus, which is symbolized by the Bull. Like the strong, stubborn symbol, this Earth Sign tends...

3 Tips for Quickly Decluttering Your Life

Tired of coming home everyday to an unorganized mess? While you might like to call your piles of papers and overflowing drawers some form...

Why You’ve Got To Try Yoga Nidra

According to a National Sleep Foundation survey, nearly half of Americans feel sleepy during the day anywhere from three to seven days a week....

9 Ways to Shift from a Bad Mood to a Good Mood Right Now

Having a bad day? Feeling a little blue? Life stressing you out? It’s easy to dwell on a bad mood, but it isn’t really...

Doing Your Body Justice: Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

Having trouble sleeping at night? Waking up feeling tired? The stress of everyday life, especially work, relationships, and illnesses, can have a huge impact...


Charming and witty, Libras often make a good impression on others. This zodiac sign has to be careful though, when playing a role in...

How to Avoid Toxic Relationships

Toxic people… they can be so charming and smooth that it can take a long while before you realize that they do you more...

Choosing a Meditation Style that Fits Your Lifestyle

No two forms of meditation are alike and there really isn’t a right or a wrong way to use this powerful relaxation method. The...

8 Steps to a More Creative Brain

(DailyVibe) - It is a common misconception that some people are born creative while some people are not. The left-brain/right-brain idea of creativity is...

Daily Vibe

Astrology 101

Interested in astrology? Want to know more about your star sign? If you’re looking forward to our Daily Horoscopes but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place.

Everyday Vibes

Our Everyday Vibes are short, easy-to-read tips that you can quickly peruse and understand, even on a hectic day. Keep your eyes peeled for an array of new tips to stay in the loop and keep your vibration high.

Goodbye, Self-Defeating Thoughts. Hello, Empowerment!

Is your inner voice your best friend – or your worst enemy? Do you speak to yourself with love and kindness or with constant...

3 Tips for a Legitimately Productive Day

We all want to be productive, but many of us mistake multitasking for productivity and end up slowing ourselves down more than anything else....

Body Positivity 101: Love the Body You’re in Today

“You should love your body.” “Just love yourself.” It’s easy to say, but it’s so much harder to actually do this in practice. You’ve probably grown...

Why You Need to Spend More Time Outdoors

We spend the majority of our days in our homes or cooped up in our places of work. What we all really need is...

Manifest Your Destiny

When none of your dreams seem to be coming true, you may be looking around you for the reason. The fact is, you may...

How to Be Alone But Not Lonely

Being alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. What if you could learn the art of enjoying your own company so that your...

Shaking Up Your Daily Routine

Face it - your daily routine is probably pretty monotonous. You get up, eat, go to work, enjoy the same hobbies and activities, come...

Why You Need This ONE Plant in Your Life

No, it’s not that plant. After all, the one you might be thinking of isn’t legal everywhere. Let’s talk about a totally legal plant...

5 Reasons You Need to Think Like an Optimist

Skepticism, pessimism, optimism --- everyone you know belongs to one of these camps when it comes to everyday thought. While some people think pessimism...

Are You Always Tired? Try THIS to Fight Fatigue

Are you hitting your snooze button over and over again? Do you find yourself wishing coffee came in an IV? Fatigue is common, but...

You Need to Learn to Say No

You have a jam-packed schedule that takes you from morning to night. You have very little time to yourself, yet when someone calls to...

Why You Should Take Me Time Every Day

Our days become so filled with constant movement and chaos that we often find it difficult to take a second to get away. Weeks...

Daily Vibe

About Daily Vibe

Our team deeply believes in the holistic connection of your entire being. If one part of you is out of sync, the rest of your mind, body, and energy will follow. At Daily Vibe, we are committed to helping you stay on a pathway to light and life. We’re grateful you’re here and hope you’ll make Daily Vibe a part of your everyday routine.

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