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Enlightened Vibes

Our Enlightened Vibes are long-form articles designed to lift your spirits, speak to your wellbeing, and help you learn to raise your vibration in your everyday life. From mindset to wellness to fitness, we’ll bring you actionable and helpful tips to assist you in crafting your best life.

3 Activities to Put You in a Better Mindframe

When you’re feeling glum, you’re more likely to lay around and mope or sit in the dark doing nothing but watching TV. This often...

The 5-Minute Mini-Declutter

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the clutter around you? Do you feel like you’re surrounded by piles of useless stuff? It happens...

Practice Self-Love in 5 Minutes or Less with These 5 Tricks

(DailyVibe.com) - Loving ourselves is more easily said than done--especially for anyone who has suffered from low self-esteem or past trauma. While it may...

The Misunderstood Benefits of Stress

Most conversations about stress focus on how unhealthy it is. The reality, though, is that short-term stress can actually have a positive impact on...


Dreamy and scattered, Pisces are deeply emotional souls who wish to make a connection with their spiritual sides. Even those who do not follow...


The second sign of the celestial zodiac is Taurus, which is symbolized by the Bull. Like the strong, stubborn symbol, this Earth Sign tends...

5 Reasons You Need to Think Like an Optimist

Skepticism, pessimism, optimism --- everyone you know belongs to one of these camps when it comes to everyday thought. While some people think pessimism...

Achievable Goals Help You Reach Your Destination

Most people have dreams and aspirations they want to reach someday. Some are more determined to reach them than others, setting out a plan...

The Startling Benefits of Vitamin D and How to Get More

No one really ever argues against vitamin D, but most people claim you should go outside and get some without really saying why. We...

7 Ways to Show Yourself Kindness

(DailyVibe) - Showing other people kindness often comes more easily than showing kindness to ourselves. Dr. Emma Seppaula of the Center for Compassion and...

Skip the Zoo; Go to an Animal Sanctuary to Improve Your Mood

Many people avoid going to the zoo because they don’t like the idea of wild animals being caged and helpless. Many get taken out...


Charming and witty, Libras often make a good impression on others. This zodiac sign has to be careful though, when playing a role in...

Daily Vibe

Astrology 101

Interested in astrology? Want to know more about your star sign? If you’re looking forward to our Daily Horoscopes but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place.

Everyday Vibes

Our Everyday Vibes are short, easy-to-read tips that you can quickly peruse and understand, even on a hectic day. Keep your eyes peeled for an array of new tips to stay in the loop and keep your vibration high.

Spruce Up Your Home to Change the Way You Feel

Many people start each day seeing the same old scenery they’ve seen for years. Their house hasn’t changed a bit since they decorated when...

Saying Goodbye to Toxic Relationships

Are there people in your life who not only bring no value to the proverbial table but seem like they’re constantly taking from you...

Stop Running, Start Resting

The struggle is real and so is the hustle of day-to-day life. If you’re like most people, you likely run from morning to night...

How to Be Plant-Forward

One of the primary wellness trends you might be seeing is the plant-forward diet. This nutritional plan isn’t vegan or vegetarian but something else...

A Tidier, Happier Life in Just Seconds

Short on time? Join the club! We might all have the same hours in the day, but we don’t all have the same schedules...

You Need to Learn to Say No

You have a jam-packed schedule that takes you from morning to night. You have very little time to yourself, yet when someone calls to...

Scheduling Rest Time

First, make sure you’re scheduling some daily rest time. You do not need to run non-stop from the time your feet hit the floor...

How to Have a Productive Day

Do you sometimes feel like you’re spinning wheels, wasting time, and not getting enough done each day? It happens to all of us from...

7 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Having an attitude of gratitude for the things in your life is one of the best ways to have a positive outlook, improve your...

Why You Should Power Nap Regularly

Most of us wish we could take a quick nap sometime during the day but never do. Research is starting to show that naps,...

8 Tips for Unplugging and Taking a Real Break

(DailyVibe.com) - Taking breaks can help us feel more energized, but when we’re dealing with deadlines or heavy work loads, it may be difficult...

3 Reasons to Spend More Time Outdoors

Tired of being cooped up indoors? Enjoying the spring and the anticipation of summer? While a lot of us like to spend times outdoors,...

Daily Vibe

About Daily Vibe

Our team deeply believes in the holistic connection of your entire being. If one part of you is out of sync, the rest of your mind, body, and energy will follow. At Daily Vibe, we are committed to helping you stay on a pathway to light and life. We’re grateful you’re here and hope you’ll make Daily Vibe a part of your everyday routine.

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